
We have had many productive meetings and workshops to date! If you have ideas for future workshops please contact anyone on our leadership team.

Past Meetings

Oct 2023: Feasability of using NOIRLab platforms for Spec-S5 instruments
  • Hosted at Noirlab Headquartes, Tuscon, AZ

Feb 2024: Spec-S5 Instrumentation
  • Hosted by the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP)

May 2024: Fundamental Phsyics from Future Spectroscopic Surveys
  • Hosted at LBNL, Berkeley, CA

Future Meetings

  • Positioner focused workshop (2024, Asilomar, ~30 people, At the end of the workshop we should have a better understanding of the status of each technology and what R&D is needed / planned)
  • Instrument workshop 2 (2025)
    • In planning stages

  • Science (non core to focus on broader science (2024)